Biopic Define. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. This is, in other words, less a biopic than a political thriller, a civics lesson that is energetically staged. biopic definition: The definition of a biopic is a dramatic movie about a famous person's life. (noun) An example of a biopic is the movie What's Love Got To Do With It, about Tina Turner's life.
Edgar Hoover biopic got made before a Martin Luther King Jr. one. biopic definition in English dictionary, biopic meaning, synonyms, see also 'bioptic',biotypic',bionic',biotic'.
Rights define citizens' relationship with government, not each other.
A motion picture based on the life (or lives) of a real, rather than fictional, person (or people). How to define the word biopic? Biopic definition: A biopic is a film that tells the story of someone's life.